
The role of artificial intelligence recruitment and quality to explain the phenomenon of employer reputation

    Sebastian Kot   Affiliation
    ; Hafezali Iqbal Hussain Affiliation
    ; Svitlana Bilan Affiliation
    ; Muhammad Haseeb Affiliation
    ; Leonardus W. W. Mihardjo   Affiliation


The prime contribution of current research entails the explanation of role of artificial intelligence based human resource management function to determine the employer reputation among pharmaceutical industry of Indonesia. The study intends to examine the empirically investigation the role and impact of artificial intelligence-based recruitment and artificial intelligence-based quality to determine the employer reputation with mediating role of artificial intelligence adoption. The study contributes to the body of knowledge and claims to be novel in explaining the AI based HR function to explain the phenomenon of employer reputation. The study examined the empirical investigation between AI based recruitment and AI based quality to influence the AI adoption that further predicts the phenomenon of employer reputation. The study was conducted on pharmaceutical industry of Indonesia and convenience sampling was used for data collected and Smart-PLS was utilized for data analysis. The study found that AI based recruitment and quality significantly influences the AI adoption and further it influences the employer reputation. The mediation role of artificial intelligence adoption is significant where it is found that artificial intelligence mediates the relationship between artificial intelligence recruitment and employer reputation, with similar significant mediation role between artificial intelligence quality and employer reputation.

Keyword : artificial intelligence (AI), artificial intelligence recruitment (AIR), artificial intelligence quality (AIQ), artificial intelligence adoption (AIadopt), employer reputation (ER), human resource management (HRM)

How to Cite
Kot, S., Hussain, H. I., Bilan, S., Haseeb, M., & Mihardjo, L. W. W. (2021). The role of artificial intelligence recruitment and quality to explain the phenomenon of employer reputation. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 22(4), 867-883.
Published in Issue
May 14, 2021
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